Supply Chain Management

Keep your supply chain secure and flowing with the right course of action. Our creative solutions ensure your shipments move safely and efficiently.

CTPAT Program Development and Implementation

Adhering to international standards these days requires special knowledge. GTPI provides peace of mind by building your supply chain security management program from the ground up, and overseeing its implementation. Because each program is uniquely created, we adjust for optimum employee participation.

CTPAT Five Step Risk Assessment

Considering the intricacies of international trade, GTPI provides specific steps for your company’s success. First, we map the supply chain. Next, we perform threat assessments. Third, we provide a vulnerability assessment. After that, GTPI professionals develop the right action plan for your company. Finally, we document the procedure for how assessments are conducted.

Supply Chain Strategy

From our high-level assessment to execution, GTPI delivers a customized solution to transform your supply chain to conquer capacity constraints, fully align supply chain capabilities with your strategic vision, and protect you from supply and demand disruptions. Get started with our 3 FAQ’s.
